let’s review: integrated algebra

Posted on August 19, 2010. Filed under: Uncategorized | Tags: , , , |

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Customer Buzz

 “Too early to rate this.” 2010-05-20
By R Jean (New York)
This looks like a fine book, but the real test will be whether it helps my daughter pass her math regents. Her teacher had us buy it, so hopefully it will be helpful.

Customer Buzz

 “Too Many Errors” 2010-01-31
By June (New York, USA)
I have found many errors in the answer guides, even one in an example! I emailed the company, but no response. I checked with other math teachers. They agree that the errors I found are, in fact, errors. It’s annoying. I think the book is terrific, and the problems are excellent, but please do not think you’re loosing your marbles if you don’t agree with the answer guide!!!

Customer Buzz

 “Integrated Algebra” 2007-09-23
By Joseph S. Maresca (Bronxville, New York USA)
The author is hampered by the fact that the Integrated Algebra is

a brand new regents. There is no prior history. At the end of the

volume, there is a good sample exam which emulates the actual ones

to be administered in January and June of 2008. In short, don’t

throw out your old Math A book because it contains more pertinent

regents practice questions.

A cursory review of the new volume disclosed that the content is

similar to the Math A. The sample exam is slightly more complicated

and theoretical.

Parts 2 and 3 of the new sample exam are significantly more complex

than the comparable Math A. I suspect that the initial

administrations of this new exam will produce a curve which reflects

the learning transfer in the new course.

The examples in the new Integrated Algebra are pertinent. There are plenty of illustrations on how to utilize the statistical calculator

to solve a plethora of problems-particularly in probability and statistics.

From a review of the sample exam, I believe that candidates should

endeavor to maximize their score on Part I of the exam which is

fairly comparable to the current Math A.

The new volume is replete with plenty of pertinent examples in

polynomials, number theory, equations, elementary trigonometry and

probability/statistical inference amongst many other topics. The

acquisition would be a good value for the price charged. Students

would benefit from this volume because it contains sufficient illustrations to amplify the concepts tested on the “live regents exam”.

Practice is helpful because the new regents criteria requires a

minimum passing grade of 65 in all the regents subjects pertinent

to obtaining a diploma in NYS.

The new Integrated Algebra matter will be tested again in one form or another on the Collegiate SAT.

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